Adam and Eve, Cain, Abel and Set. First family

Adam and Eve have had to leave the garden of Eden and they needed to work  very hard to survive. After a  time ,God gave them a child. It was the first child born into the world. Eve named him Cain. Then she gave birth to a son and she named  him Abel.Cain loved field work and reached tiller, while Abel liked to care the sheeps and he became shepherd.

In the time when they were in the Eden garden, the first peoples could talk with God as speaking with a friend, but now God do not come over them. To be next to Him, Adam and Eve have built an altar of stone and put there something like a gift,then,they burnt it . What they were doing at the altar was a pray to search God and to talk with Him again.

Cain and Abel have learned to build altars. One day, they  have raised  an altar and brought a gift to God. Cain put on the altar the filed goodies, while Abel  put on the altar a lamb. Abel was  gentle and innocent and the lamb was like him, and God looked with pleasure to the gift placed on the altar by Abel.

God didn't look with pleasure at the Cain's gift. Then,Cain was angry and  filled with hostility against his brother Abel.

Someday, while they were  on the field, Cain killed Abel!

God gave them a new son,  to replace Abel. Because of that, they named him Set, which means: replaced.

Autor : Crisblog my blog:)

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