Star Trek declarat cel mai bun film al anului 2009

Filmul Stark Trek a fost desemnat "filmul anului 2009" intr-un sondaj realizat de site-ul lovefilm cu ajutorul a 20.000 de cinefili. 

Cele mai bune filme
1. Star Trek (13%)
2. Slumdog Millionaire (12%)
3. Gran Torino (9%)
4. The Wrestler (8%)
5. District 9 (7%)
6. Up (6%)
7. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (5%)
8. Avatar (4%)
9. Let The Right One In (3%)
10. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (1%)
Cele mai proaste filme
1. Lesbian Vampire Killers (14%)
2. Hannah Montana: The Movie (12%)
3. Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience (11%)
4. Beverly Hills Chihuahua (9%)
5. Bruno (8%)
6. The Pink Panther 2 (6%)
7. Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus (5%)
8. G.I.Joe: The Rise of Cobra (4%)
9. Year One (3%)
10. Marley & Me (2%)

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